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    16′ H * 27.6′ W Black Portable Projector Screen

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    16′ H * 27.6′ W Black Portable Projector Screen is featured with 99865 Viewing Area including 16′ H *27.6′ W properties.
    Here this Portable projector screen comes with HDTV Fast Fold Truss Frame Screens.
    Here with this screen comes with versatility and durability properties.
    It is provided with frames that usually bolt together with Speedy Cranks.
    so there is efficient set up.

  • 31IS660opVL. SS300

    Dalite 36979FL 295D 177X236 Mw Projector Screen

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    Dalite 36979FL 295D 177X236 Mw Projector Screen is featured with only fabric projection screen so it provides high quality and versatility visual.
    This 295D 177X236 Mw Projector Screen provides dual-format compatibility so users can access multiple aspect ratios in a flexibility way.

  • 511w Z LNZL. SS300

    14’6″ H * 25′ W Black Portable Projector Screen

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    14’6″ H *25′ W Black Portable Projector Screen is provided with Fast-Fold Truss Frame Screens comes with best versatility and durability.
    Here this frames screen provided by this 14’6″ H * 25′ W Projection Screen is provided with speedy cranks.
    So, with the help of this speedy cranks so user get efficient set up and tear down features with no requirement of tools.
    One of the best features of this 14’6″ H * 25′ W Black Portable Projection Screen device is that here Front and rear projection can be customized.

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    Black Portable Projection Screen

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    Black Portable Projection Screen is provided with Viewing Area of 12 feet and 3-inch breadth which in the form of height * 21 feet width properties.
    It is also referring as Fast Fold Truss Frame Screens.
    One of the best features of this screen is that here the Front and rear projection.

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