5 ounces

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  • Raycon Wireless Earbuds

    Raycon Wireless Earbuds Review and Feature

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    Raycon Wireless Earbuds is featured with cutting Edge technology and performs with seamlessly.

    This Raycon device comes with lightweight design due to this user sometimes forget they are putting the device in the ear.

    It is also design in a simple way so that user feels comfortable while putting the device on the ear for long period of time.

  • Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime Features
    Cell Phones

    Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime’s Features and Performance

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    Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime is provided with PLS LCD display with premium look and durable body with good grip so that phone can be handle in easy and comfortable way.

    This phone comes with gorilla glass in the front and the back comes with aluminum back  provided with frame  making the phone more stylish and awesome.

  • Google Pixel 4a Best Features
    Cell Phones

    Google Pixel 4a: Unveiling the Finest Phone

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    Google Pixel 4a comes with beautiful camera features that provides automatic adjust of color and lightening. It is provided with gorilla glass 3 in the front side and the back side comes with plastic frame in the back side of Pixel 4a.

    Display comes with OLED display with HDR properties. This phone provides with 1080*2340 pixels resolution.

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